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Features & Benefits

Regardless of whether you have been driving for years or are a learner driver, we have a number of features and benefits that come as standard with our comprehensive car insurance and van insurance policies.



We know how important it is to keep on the move and minimise any inconvenience following an accident so all our comprehensive car and van insurance policies include a courtesy vehicle for the duration of your repair following a claim.

A courtesy vehicle is provided subject to the following:

  1. The claim has been accepted and your vehicle is repairable and is being repaired by our approved repairer.
  2. Typically the courtesy vehicle will be a small car with manual transmission.
  3. We do not provide courtesy vehicles outside Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.
  4. If an accident happens at weekends or bank holidays then delays in providing a courtesy vehicle may occur.

Please refer to our policy wording for more details.


All our comprehensive policies include personal accident cover. This will give cover to you or your legally married spouse or civil partner for injury sustained whilst driving or travelling as a passenger in the vehicle insured under your Insure 2 Drive policy.

For more details on the level of cover and injuries included, please refer to our policy wording.


If you have a child’s car seat fitted in your vehicle when you are involved in an accident, or if it is damaged following a fire or theft, we will pay towards the cost of a replacement even if it doesn’t appear to be damaged.

A claim for a child car seat can only be made if you are already making a valid claim for damage to your vehicle and you have a car insurance policy. For more information on limits of cover please refer to the policy wording.

Note: Child car seat cover is not available with our van insurance policies


If you as the policyholder or a named driver is involved in a road traffic accident with an uninsured driver, we will not reduce your no claims discount or charge you any excess in relation to the claim.

In order to do this you will need to provide us with the registration, make and model of the vehicle that hit you along with the driver’s details. This only applies where the driver of your vehicle was not at fault.

Please refer to our policy wording for more details.


Before you travel abroad with your vehicle you must inform us of your intention to travel.

We will provide the compulsory minimum insurance required when driving the insured vehicle in any member country of the EU or a country set out by the Commission of the European Union.

Provided your main home is Great Britain then this policy will provide you with cover for foreign use for the following periods of time:

Car Insurance – a maximum of 90 days

Van Insurance – a maximum of 28 days in total within the policy period

Please refer to our policy wording for more details.

BREXIT: If you are driving abroad after the 31st October 2019 you need to be aware of the implications following Brexit, click here.


If your car windows and windscreen are accidentally damaged the cost of repairing or replacing these will be covered by us. We will also cover the cost of repairing resultant scratching of the bodywork.

We will not be liable for damage to sunroofs or glass roofs. Any claim made for Windscreen repair and replacement will not prejudice your entitlement to No Claim Discount. For more information on this and the windscreen replacement excess that applies please read our policy wording.


Travel Abroad
Audio Equipment Cover
Child car seat (car insurance only)
Personal Belongings Cover up to £150
Personal Accident Cover up to £5000
Stolen Car Replacement*
Windscreen Cover
Free Courtesy Car
*Based on new car replacement only, subject to T’s and C’s
Travel Abroad
Audio Equipment Cover
Child car seat (car insurance only)
Personal Belongings Cover up to £150
Personal Accident Cover up to £5000
Stolen Car Replacement*
Windscreen Cover
Free Courtesy Car
*Based on new car replacement only, subject to T’s and C’s



Below are the optional extras that you can add to your car insurance or van insurance policy at the time of purchase, there will be no option to add them after.



You work hard to build up your No Claim Discount (NCD) so it is important that you protect it. At Insure 2 Drive you may be able to protect your NCD after just one year of claim free driving.

As long as no claim is made or arises under your Policy during any one year of insurance your renewal premium will be reduced by a No Claim Discount in accordance with the scale of discounts applicable at the renewal date.

You can continue to protect your No Claim discount as long as you do not have more than two claims in any five consecutive years.

For more information please refer to the policy wording.


With our Motor legal protection you have access to a legal helpline for advice relating to any Motor Contract Dispute and you have cover in place for legal fees and expenses relating to a claim.

Legal cover includes:

  1. Legal fees and expenses in respect of claims for personal injury or death as a direct result of a road traffic accident, and claims for damage to your vehicle caused from a road traffic accident whilst it is in the care of your or a named driver.
  2. Cover up to a set limit on any one claim in a Motor Prosecution Defence if we agree that there is a genuine defence

For more information on limits of cover please refer to our policy wording.


Insure 2 Drive have teamed up with the RAC to offer the following levels of Breakdown cover.


RAC Roadside gives you roadside assistance if for breakdowns 1/4 mile or more away from your home address and includes a tow for up to 10 miles from the breakdown if your vehicle cannot be fixed.  RAC Roadside covers you for repairs at the roadside as long as you are more than a quarter of a mile away from your home. We aim to get you back on the road but if that’s not possible we will tow you up to 10 miles to either your home or to an approved garage.


This level covers you for Breakdown assistance and repair at the roadside or at your home address, including a tow for up to 10 miles from the breakdown if your vehicle cannot be fixed.

We aim to get you back on the road but if that’s not possible we’ll tow your vehicle up to 10 miles to an approved garage or to your home if the breakdown occurs away from home.


RAC Recovery gives you Breakdown assistance at the roadside or your home address, including a tow for up to 10 miles from the breakdown if your vehicle cannot be fixed. Recovery for up to 8 people and your vehicle to any single destination within the UK.

We aim to get you back on the road but if that’s not possible we’ll tow you up to 10 miles to an approved garage if you are at home or are within a quarter of a mile from your home. If you breakdown at the roadside we will transport your vehicle, you and up to 7 passengers to your home or any single address in the UK.

Transportation of your vehicle can also be arranged, if you are taken ill and there are no passengers to drive the vehicle.


This level of cover includes breakdown assistance at the roadside or your home address, including a tow for up to 10 miles from where your vehicle breaks down if your vehicle cannot be fixed. It also includes the recovery for up to 8 people and your vehicle to any single destination within the UK. If your vehicle cannot be repaired at the roadside, options for onward travel are included.

This covers you for breakdown at the roadside or at home. If we are unable to get you back on the road we will tow you up to 10 miles to an approved garage if you are at home or within a quarter of a mile from your home. If you are at the roadside we will transport your vehicle, you and up to 7 passengers to your home or any single address in the UK.

Transportation of your vehicle can also be arranged if you are taken ill and there are no passengers to drive the vehicle

If we cannot repair your vehicle at the roadside, your onward travel will include one of the following options:

  • Replacement vehicle hire for a maximum of two consecutive days while your vehicle is being repaired (over 21s only)
  • Reimbursement of rail, air, or other public transport costs (up to £150 per person or £500 per group, whichever is less)
  • One night’s B&B accommodation for up to eight people
  • Special medical assistance as above, if one member of the party is taken into hospital more than 20 miles from home)


The European cover includes breakdown assistance at the roadside or your home address, including a tow for up to 10 miles from the breakdown if your vehicle cannot be fixed. Recovery for up to 8 people and your vehicle to any single destination within the UK. If your vehicle cannot be repaired at the roadside, options for onward travel are included.

Breakdown assistance in continental Europe includes roadside repair, recovery to local garage or repatriation.

It also covers you for breakdown at the roadside or at home. We’ll aim to get you back on the road but if that’s not possible we’ll tow you up to 10 miles to an approved garage if you are at home (or within a quarter of a mile from your home). If you are at the roadside we will transport your vehicle, you and up to 7 passengers to your home or any single address in the UK. Transportation of your vehicle can also be arranged if you are taken ill and there are no passengers to drive the vehicle

If we cannot repair your vehicle at the roadside, your onward travel will include one of the following options:

  • Replacement vehicle hire for a maximum of two consecutive days while your vehicle is being repaired (over 21s only)
  • Reimbursement of rail, air, or other public transport costs (up to £150 per person or £500 per group, whichever is less)
  • One night’s B&B accommodation for up to eight people
  • Special medical assistance as above, if one member of the party is taken into hospital more than 20 miles from home)

European Breakdown covers customers in continental Europe. In the event of a mechanical breakdown, vehicles are fixed at the roadside, recovered to a local garage for repair or repatriated. Certain motor-related legal expenses incurred as a result of an incident in these countries are also covered, as well as:

  • Temporary vehicle replacement on the way to port
  • Additional accommodation expenses
  • Journey continuation or return home
  • Replacement driver
  • Accidental damage to or loss of tent
  • Urgent message-relay service
  • Customs claims indemnity

On return home, the policy covers:

  • Collection of vehicle left abroad for repair
  • Replacement vehicle (up to £250 per claim)
  • Legal costs up to £50,000 cover
  • Loss of no claims discount


You don’t need to worry if you lose your keys if you have purchased our Key Cover.  We will cover your home, car, van and office keys, including safes, immobilisers and alarms, in the event that they get stolen, are lost or are damaged.  We will also cover damage to your locks if the damage prevents you from being able to access your home, office, car or van.

Cover includes:

  • The cost of replacement keys/locks and/or locksmith charges where no duplicate key is available
  • Up to £75 per day, maximum of 3 days for transportation costs or hire vehicle charges if you are stranded at home
  • 24/7 helpline assistance
  • Covers all members of the family at same address

Cover is up to £1,500 a year.

For more information please refer to the policy wording.